14 October 2012

My Writing Process

My writing process by Sam H. Well, I start with an idea, one I really like, I really have to click with it, then I'll work it in my head over and over, it can be anything from a plot I like to a really interesting character to a setting. I'll jot down all my thoughts about it, anything that comes to mind. The end result is a lot of disjointed notes in which there may be the base for a story. I'll fine tune it from there, picking out my best ideas and going with them until I have a general idea of what I want to write. Then when I have a basis for a story, I'll just write. I usually don't plan out my stories, sure I'll have certain events I want to happen by more often than not I'll just let my story flow and take me where it will. I sometimes become bogged down by self-doubt or procrastination my two greatest enemies. but as I said if there is an idea I really like I'll keep going with it even if it takes me a really long time.


  1. Write on Sam! Sounds like a good process actually, I'm only just now getting into the habit of writing down disjointed thoughts when i get an idea for a story

  2. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Editing Professional
