14 October 2012

My Writing Process

My writing process by Sam H. Well, I start with an idea, one I really like, I really have to click with it, then I'll work it in my head over and over, it can be anything from a plot I like to a really interesting character to a setting. I'll jot down all my thoughts about it, anything that comes to mind. The end result is a lot of disjointed notes in which there may be the base for a story. I'll fine tune it from there, picking out my best ideas and going with them until I have a general idea of what I want to write. Then when I have a basis for a story, I'll just write. I usually don't plan out my stories, sure I'll have certain events I want to happen by more often than not I'll just let my story flow and take me where it will. I sometimes become bogged down by self-doubt or procrastination my two greatest enemies. but as I said if there is an idea I really like I'll keep going with it even if it takes me a really long time.

06 October 2012

My writing process

At best it can be called 'grab the moment'. Some days I have the luxury of a full day all to myself. This can be worse than grabbing snatches of time as it allows me too much time to procrastinate. Other times I'm lucky to get in one hour while the two year old naps. Despite the obstacles this has been a great year. I signed the contract Phoenix Yard Books for my first book, 'The Luchair Stones', Book 1 in The Red Dragon Chronicles. I have discovered that signing the contract is just the beginning. Did you know that it takes up to two years from contract to publication. This involves long periods waiting for my editor to get back to me with her comment as we work through the chapters. Very few writers produce a publishable novel from the polished draft they present to a publisher. The hard work only really starts after the contract is signed. I'm enjoying the whole process. Each and every word has to earn it's place in the book. Sometimes I think it's a bit like being at uni only I'm getting paid for it. In between I work on my adult novel. Every exercise we do in class is written with the idea that it will fit into my book. Feedback from Tracey and the class has been important to me as it helps to keep me on track and motivated. Denise Ogilvie

02 October 2012

My writing process

This year has been the most successful for me when it comes to my writing. Although I haven’t yet completed my novel, I have been working towards it as well as writing short stories. I have written a great amount of short stories and I can safely say I am mostly happy with at least ten of them which I have put towards the book I am making. When writing towards my novel, I like to shuffle it around and write what comes to me first. Rather than writing chapter by chapter, I use the exercises that are given to us in class and try to put together a well written chapter, whether it being from the start, middle or end. My biggest problem when it comes to writing is trying to find the motivation. It isn’t the matter of not liking or wanting to write, it’s more the ‘I can’t be bothered just yet’ thought. Over the past few weeks I have discovered a way to try and stop this and it is slowly beginning to work. Rather than just pushing my writing aside, I set out a particular day or two throughout the week which is just for writing. Being a stubborn person I don’t like to allow myself to neglect the days that I have set. Once I am sitting at my computer, the joy of writing hits me, and all the words circling in my head get down onto the paper. My writing process has come along great this year, I just need to learn to sit my bottom on the chair, hands at my computer, and keep it there. So far it’s working, now it’s time to finish my novel! Rebecca Zakkour